Our Clients

Communities Served

City | Phoenix

Counties | Clear Creek, Grand

City | Hartford

City | Naples

City | Atlanta

City | Battle Creek

Cities | Aurora, Marshfield, Salem, Sarcoxie,
Ash Grove, Buffalo, Carthage, Eldon, Hermann

Counties | Erie, Geauga, Richland, Stark
Cities | Cleveland, Columbiana, Fostoria, Toronto
Villages | Carrollton, Lodi, Minerva, Sebring, Wellsville

County | Erie

County | Boone, Lincoln


  • Metro Hartford Alliance

    Metro Hartford Alliance

    Develop a strategy to optimally deploy a $1MM entrepreneurship support fund.

  • Grand County, Colorado

    Grand County Economic Development

    Develop and deploy a county-wide strategic plan to create greater economic resilience and diversification.

  • Battle Creek Chamber of Commerce

    Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce

    Support the development of a data-driven economic strategy to help support startups and small businesses in the City of Battle Creek, Michigan.

  • City Of Cleveland

    City Of Cleveland

    Support the design of an entrepreneurial co-working space in the City of Cleveland.

  • Jobs Ohio


    Design and deploy a comprehensive Business Retention and Expansion playbook in Northeast Ohio.

  • Stark Development Board, Inc.

    Stark Development Board, Inc.

    Work across Stark County to develop an integrated, cohesive, focused, and accountable economic development execution strategy.

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    Erie County Economic Development Corporation

    Evaluate the opportunity to develop a retail incubator and co-working space to support the local tourism industry.

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    Clear Creek Economic Development Corporation

    Develop and deploy a county-wide strategic plan to create greater economic resilience and diversification.

  • Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County

    Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County

    Develop an integrated economic strategy (entrepreneurship, economic development, and workforce) in Ashtabula County.

  • TeamNeo


    Design and deploy a comprehensive Business Retention and Expansion playbook in Northeast Ohio.

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    Invest Atlanta

    Develop a fund strategy to support entrepreneurship opportunities in the greater Atlanta region.

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    Aerozone Alliance

    Develop an overall vision and a strategic plan for the Aerozone Alliance and the Aerozone District.

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    Community Foundation of the OZARKS

    Develop an economic strategy to support rural communities in the Ozark region of Missouri.

  • USDA Rural Development

    USDA Rural Development

    Develop an economic strategy to support rural communities in the Ozark region of Missouri and rural communities in Ohio.

  • The Neo Fund

    The Neo Fund

    Develop and deploy a countywide integrated economic strategy (entrepreneurship, economic development, and workforce) in Ashtabula County.

  • Ford Foundation

    Ford Foundation

    Develop a fund strategy to support entrepreneurship opportunities in the greater Atlanta region.

  • Richland County Foundation

    Richland County Foundation

    Develop and deploy a countywide integrated economic strategy (entrepreneurship, economic development, and workforce) in Richland County.

  • Battle Creek Community Foundation

    Battle Creek Community Foundation

    Support the development of a data-driven economic strategy to help support startups and small businesses in the City of Battle Creek, Michigan.

  • Kellogg Foundation

    Kellogg Foundation

    Support the development of a data-driven economic strategy to help support startups and small businesses in the City of Battle Creek, Michigan.

  • Cleveland Foundation

    Cleveland Foundation

    Support the design of an entrepreneurial co-working space in the City of Cleveland.

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    Fund For Our Economic Future

    Support the funding to develop the job northeast Ohio Job Hubs strategy.

  • International Economic Development Council

    International Economic Development Council

    Conduct site visits to rural West Virginan communities and develop strategies to promote economic sustainability.

  • HBCU


    Develop strategies on how the students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) can gain greater experiential learning through entrepreneurship related programming.

  • UNCF


    Develop strategies on how the students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) can gain greater experiential learning through entrepreneurship related programming.

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    Project RISE

    In every community, there are citizens living paycheck to paycheck. We recognize that some of these individuals can be more economically productive in the community if they can access a support structure.

  • Innovation Collaborative

    Innovation Collaborative

    Evaluate the regional entrepreneurial ecology and develop a strategy to support and develop the startup ecology.

  • Rocket Ventures

    Rocket Ventures

    Conduct a detailed assessment of the entrepreneurial ecology in the Northwest Ohio and determine how the Entrepreneurial Development Organization, Rocket Ventures, can optimally nurture the identified opportunities.

  • Ohio Third Frontier

    Ohio Third Frontier

    Conduct a detailed assessment of the entrepreneurial ecology in the Northwest Ohio and determine how the Entrepreneurial Development Organization, Rocket Ventures, can optimally nurture the identified opportunities.

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    Develop a comprehensive multi-year organizational strategy for StartupAZ.

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    Fusion Pointe

    Develop a comprehensive mentoring platform for the South West Florida entrepreneurship ecology.