
At Innovation Economy Partners, our solutions are focused on driving tangible impact and outcomes.  We utilize a combination of organizational, technology and process oriented frameworks to deliver high-quality outcomes.


Our team is continuously evaluating opportunities to support local economic and community development efforts by developing technology based solutions. Our team has built an array of pre-packaged solutions that can be rapidly deployed. We can also help develop custom tools to address local unique challenges


Examples of our platforms include:

Community Jobs Platform: A singular community platform that can be used by employers to post jobs, where local job seekers can connect with employers and support resources (housing, networking, support programs, etc.) and students can learn more about local work internship opportunities. (Link to video)

Nucleus: A portal designed to help communities showcase the local efforts underway. Through this effort, create greater transparency, visibility and engage local leaders.

Analytics Platform: Gain a deeper insight on the month to month local job trends. Use these insights to make better economic and workforce related decisions.

GIS Platform: Imagine if a job seeker could identify jobs near their home based on targeted filters. Now they can! More imprtanly they can find routes that are served by public transportation and child care services .

Business911: Engage businesses in your community by providing them the insights they need in a singular platform.



Rural communities across the country and the world are struggling to find their economic foothold. At IEP we are deeply concerned with these challenges. To capture this opportunity, we have developed an integrated approach that focuses on developing the following 4 critical community pillars.

The Rural Prosperity Methodology has curated a structured curriculum that includes data, technology, and programs to ease the rural transformation journey.

Case Study:

Growth In the Rural Ozarks (GRO) was a program that was launched in 2016 in Southern Missouri. The program that started with 3 communities has now expanded to 9.

Program Sampling:

We recognize that each community is unique and sometimes need a deep dive in trying to understand loca challenges.

Our Core Operating Philosophy has guided us to engage with communities in an authentic manner and we work with an urgency that helps our communities achieve tremendous progress.

See our entire list of projects here: LINK



Case Study:

Strengthening Stark
Innovation Economy Partners was retained by community leaders in Stark County, Ohio to help design and develop a county wide economic and community development plan. What started as a strategic planning exercise eventually blossomed into a movement called Strengthening Stark that has become a convening place for leaders across the county who strive to build a brighter future.

Firelands Forward
Innovation Economy Partners was retained by the leaders of Erie and Huron counties to help craft a comprehensive workforce strategy. The goal of the study was to catalyze stronger talent retention in the region. The program helped launch deep collaboration between the public sector, private sector, workforce partners and philanthropy and led to the creation of a central coordinating agency that is deploying an array of workforce initiatives.

We are blessed organization. Our team has has an opportunity to be part of many communities, we have stumbled, at times we have failed, and quite often we have succeeded.

While the journey has sometimes been challenging, we have usually managed to gain some powerful learnings.

Over the years, we have accumulated our learnings and shared these with communities in publications and speaking events.


Get your copy today:


Free eBook until May 9th, 2022

We have compiled many of our learnings in a book that was published in 2022.


Speaker Request Form:



    Our team is continuously evaluating opportunities to support local economic and community development efforts by developing technology based solutions. Our team has built an array of pre-packaged solutions that can be rapidly deployed. We can also help develop custom tools to address local unique challenges

    Examples of our platforms include:


    Community Jobs Platform: A singular community platform that can be used by employers to post jobs, where local job seekers can connect with employers and support resources (housing, networking, support programs, etc.) and students can learn more about local work internship opportunities. (Link to video)


    Nucleus: A portal designed to help communities showcase the local efforts underway. Through this effort, create greater transparency, visibility and engage local leaders.


    Analytics Platform: Gain a deeper insight on the month to month local job trends. Use these insights to make better economic and workforce related decisions.


    GIS Platform: Imagine if a job seeker could identify jobs near their home based on targeted filters. Now they can! More imprtanly they can find routes that are served by public transportation and child care services .


    Business911: Engage businesses in your community by providing them the insights they need in a singular platform.


    Rural communities across the country and the world are struggling to find their economic foothold. At IEP we are deeply concerned with these challenges. To capture this opportunity, we have developed an integrated approach that focuses on developing the following 4 critical community pillars.

    The Rural Prosperity Methodology has curated a structured curriculum that includes data, technology, and programs to ease the rural transformation journey.


    Case Study:

    Growth In the Rural Ozarks (GRO) was a program that was launched in 2016 in Southern Missouri. The program that started with 3 communities has now expanded to 9.

    Program Sampling:


    We recognize that each community is unique and sometimes need a deep dive in trying to understand loca challenges.

    Our Core Operating Philosophy has guided us to engage with communities in an authentic manner and we work with an urgency that helps our communities achieve tremendous progress.

    See our entire list of projects here: LINK


    Case Study:

    Strengthening Stark
    Innovation Economy Partners was retained by community leaders in Stark County, Ohio to help design and develop a county wide economic and community development plan. What started as a strategic planning exercise eventually blossomed into a movement called Strengthening Stark that has become a convening place for leaders across the county who strive to build a brighter future.

    Firelands Forward
    Innovation Economy Partners was retained by the leaders of Erie and Huron counties to help craft a comprehensive workforce strategy. The goal of the study was to catalyze stronger talent retention in the region. The program helped launch deep collaboration between the public sector, private sector, workforce partners and philanthropy and led to the creation of a central coordinating agency that is deploying an array of workforce initiatives.


    We are blessed organization. Our team has has an opportunity to be part of many communities, we have stumbled, at times we have failed, and quite often we have succeeded.

    While the journey has sometimes been challenging, we have usually managed to gain some powerful learnings.

    Over the years, we have accumulated our learnings and shared these with communities in publications and speaking events.


    We have compiled many of our learnings in a book that was published in 2022.

    Get your copy today:


    Free eBook until May 9th, 2022

    Speaker Request Form:

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